Thursday, June 4, 2009

What Is This All About?

Today, I gave Jennifer @ couponmommie the low down on what my goals for this blog will be. It seemed like a good place to start so that anyone who reads it will know what to expect.


Basically my posts will be a summary of what deals I grabbed that day, what coupons I printed for later and the links to where I found them. I don't want to go search for everything out there and try to be the first one to post it. I just want my friends, family and anyone who has questions after a coupon class to have a place to get comfortable with internet resources and give them a spring board to let them branch out as far as they want to go with this deal seeking hobby/habit/obsession.
One of the most common questions my friends want to know is what 'deals/sales' are really good deals/sales. This will be the easiest way to find out what I think is a good deal for our family.
Beth, My Partner In Coupon Madness, likes to say, "It's isn't hard to teach the kindergarten concepts of cutting and matching coupons." I think definately more challenging is the concept of 'don't get so excited about a coupon that you run out and use it the day you find it. '
1. Wait for the item to go on a good sale.
2. Take a deep breath and don't try and build the stockpile that becomes the real backbone to your savings in one day or even one week. If you run off and try to buy everything in one day you will spend far more than you did before you started using coupons and searching for deals.
3. When you start to include the deal blogs in you searches, don't get frusterated when you find you don't have the time or money to get every deal out there. Pick your favorite sites that seem to have the most in common with your families needs and interests and leave it at that.
Enough lecturing. When you wake up tomorrow there will be my Kroger deals from today.

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