Thursday, June 25, 2009


Kroger Internet Coupon Policy
Officially Kroger accepts 2 internet coupons for any type of item per transaction and no free internet coupon offers. IE: Only two Kraft BBQ Sauce internet coupons for each transaction.
It is up to the discression of each store manager to limit coupons as they see fit.
The Kroger in Farragut, TN has a new coupon policy that specifically affects internet coupons. I will be contacting Kroger corp. on Friday to see how many areas this policy will affect.

1. Kroger now only accepts 3 internet coupons for the same type of item from the same manufacturer. For example: If you have $1 Kraft BBQ Sauce coupons printed off the internet you can use three coupons per transaction. One coupon per bottle. A total of three bottles.

2. Kroger no longer accepts internet coupons for free items.

My experience today was that at this point some of the cashiers know about the change and others don't. There are no signs to alert you of the change. I did have 4 $1 Cheerio internet coupons and the cashier let me use them because the policy was new and I had the exact number of items to get the $3 off 10 items in the Mega Sale. The coupons still went through but if a cashier is counting they won't take them.

I will post my Kroger trip tomorrow but if you want a some good coupon match-ups to help with your list before then try these;
mypennypile - this is a new find for me

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