Thanks everyone for coming to the class on Tues. night. I had fun. It's always dangerous when my husband has been away for a few days and I finally get to be in the company of adults. Can't shut me up. Thank you for asking lots of good questions. I truly hope that spending all that time listening to me wax poetic about crazy good deals inspires you to take some control over what you spend your resources on. It's your time and your money - make it work for you.
One of the things it seems people want to know most is what is a good deal. Really a good deal. Like WWTD (what would Tamara do)? What price am I willing to pay? I call that my buy price. So I am going to add a spot to my blog and start a list. This list will only be a reference for you. Your family might like different items that you can get for free that my family won't use so we have to pay a little more or visa versa.
The first items on the list will be pasta and OJ.
Pasta - .25/lb or less - Most pkgs at the store are 12-16oz. So if you can get one of those pkg for .25 go for it. Many of you will want to know how this compares to the price you pay at Sam's or the 'Cannery'. At Sam's you pay .96/lb for spaghetti or macaroni in a 6lb pkg. At the 'Cannery' you pay .76/lb in a bulk box of about 20 lbs I think. Now this means you have to either can or mylar bag or somehow store that bulk pasta and that means your price is even higher. I have nothing against the 'Cannery' and do get things there but usually not pasta.
OJ - My family loves real 'not from concentrate' OJ. Usually Tropicana. I like to stock up on it for $3/gallon or $1.50 for 1/2 gallon. Usually you will pay $5-6/gallon. So when it goes on sale I buy enough for a month. Frozen is cheaper and if we needed to cut back we would.
Glad your class went so well! Sure wish I could have been there!
ReplyDeleteYou did such a good job! You always put 110% into everything you do! You're the best!