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There is coupon that I want to comment about. The Bounce Dryer Bar. The bar slides into a cartridge that attaches directly to the inside of your dryer barrell and is supposed to last about two months. I tested this as part of VocalPoint last month. It smells nice and worked well to soften the clothes BUT, after two weeks the bars was more than half gone and the whole cartridge fell off the side of the dryer. The cartridge would not reattach and now there is a ugly spot in my new dryer. The spot does not affect anything. It hasn't damaged any clothes that I have seen. I do A LOT of laundry--just like you I bet. This bar would not have lasted more than a month for me and the fact that it just failed to stick has left me with the opinion that I would not buy this bar.
If you have used the Bounce Dryer Bar and have a different opinion feel free to comment on it.
thanks that helps
ReplyDeleteI purchased one two weeks ago today, and I also do a lot of laundry, but mine is already saying replace. That's not two months worth!!!
ReplyDeleteI've been using the dryer bar since it was introduced to the market a couple years back. I love it!! I buy the "up to 4 months" bar and it lasts me 5-6 months. Now I don't have kids or pets, but I do have a husband who works construction and a father-in-law whos eats like hes 3yrs so there is a bunch of laundry at my house. I think maybe you just got defective adhesive and the "2 months" bar is really only for singles who have small periodic loads. Thank you.